Actor Suniel Shetty has shared new pictures of his daughter-actor Athiya Shetty and her husband-cricketer KL Rahul from their wedding ceremony. Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Suniel Shetty posted a photo in which he, along with his wife Mana Shetty and KL Rahul’s parents–Dr KN Lokesh and Rajeshwari Lokesh, blessed the couple. (Also Read | Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul react as Ahan Shetty shares unseen pics from the wedding ceremony)

The first photo showed Athiya and KL Rahul sitting in the mandap while smiling and looking at each other. Their parents stood behind them and showered them with flower petals. The second picture featured Suniel and Mana giving Athiya a hug. While Suniel planted a kiss on his daughter’s cheek, Mana wrapped her arms around Athiya, who had her back to the camera.

Sharing the pictures, Suniel added a white heart and infinite symbol emojis instead of a caption. Athiya shared the pictures on her Instagram Stories. She posted it with an infinite symbol and a heart with arrow emojis.

Reacting to the pictures, Tiger Shroff commented, “(red heart emojis) athuuu.” Suresh Raina wrote, “Congratulations anna @suniel.shetty. Wishing the best to the entire family.” Vijender Singh said, “Congratulations.” Sangeeta Bijlani’s comment read, “Love and blessings to the newly weds @athiyashetty @klrahul.”

On Tuesday too, Suniel had shared a picture of Athiya and KL Rahul on Instagram, just a day after the wedding. He had captioned the post, “A hand to hold and a reason to believe because sometimes the right place is a person and the ingredients love and trust … congratulations and God bless my bachchas.” Reacting to his father’s post Athiya commented, “Love you” with a heart emoticon.

The couple tied the knot in Suniel Shetty’s Khandala farmhouse on Monday. Talking about the new bride and groom’s outfit, Athiya opted for a neutral-toned lehenga with a heavy polki embellished neckpiece and earrings. She kept her hair tied back in a high bun and opted for a neutral, nude shade palette for her makeup. KL Rahul complemented his bride in an off-white sherwani.

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