Terrill Bodner included in an exhibit celebrating the best of Canadian professional photography

Local photographer Terrill Bodner has had three images selected for exhibition in a national salon celebrating the best of Canadian professional photography.

The 2023 National Image Salon of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) saw a panel of master photographers judge the best work submitted by professional photographers from across Canada.

The salon was held during the PPOC annual conference on April 22 in Canmore, Alberta.

The competition features entries from across Canada in 23 different classes, including press, portrait, architecture and fashion.

Three of Bodner’s images called Backbone, A million Stars Above, and Predator and Protector were selected.

In addition to demonstrating the makers’ ability to create outstanding images for their clientele, inclusion into the salon earns the maker merits toward several designations offered to PPOC members, including the prestigious Craftsman of Photographic Arts and Master of Photographic Arts.

“Photographers must show extraordinary talent to win an award among such illustrious companies,” said Tina Weltz MPA, SPA, Chair of the National Exhibition Committee.

“We were thrilled to see so many inspiring entries in the competition this year. The salon images clearly demonstrate the exceptional skill and quality that professionals bring to the medium of photography.”

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