Photography has long been celebrated as a medium that captures moments, freezes time, and conveys stories. It’s an art form that requires careful consideration, often a great deal of research, and – sometimes – months of planning.

Canon recently launched a series called Beyond the Kitbag where Cecilie Harris, head of creative services at Canon EMEA spoke to 20 Canon ambassadors to find out how what motivated them to pick up their cameras and continue exploring their passion.

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Local VCHS student places second in photography contest | News

Dakota College at Bottineau annual high school photo contest brought the best of show, far and wide, displaying the talents of our area high school student photographers. The entry rules for the contest were as follows: Participants must be currently enrolled in high school and all photos must be original, created by the student. The […]

News agency asks photography lovers to pick their best picture of 2022

Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter for all the latest entertainment news and reviews Sign up for our free IndyArts newsletter With 2022 in the rear-view mirror, a British news agency has shared some of the most dramatic and impressive photographs they have seen – including shots of a Siberian tiger and a castle […]

The Instax SQ40 shoots square film with retro style

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more › Even for people who didn’t grow up during the golden era of instant photography, there’s something nostalgic and, frankly, kind of magical about square instant prints. Now, Fujifilm has introduced its new Instax SQ40 instant film […]